Out-of-the-box temperature monitoring solutions can seem appealing on paper. You get the parts shipped to your facility, set them up on their respective cold storage units, and start to track temperature data.

But there’s a missing link in all of this. When facilities are simply given monitoring components as-is, they rarely have the insights to make the best use out of their system, given the new capabilities and complexities of temperature monitoring systems.

Recognizing the importance of service in a temperature monitoring solution investment, the CORIS team takes a consultative approach with all our clients. This extends from an initial demo tailored to customer needs, to setup and training support, to continued support with troubleshooting current devices and adding new ones. Together, the efforts provide a more robust solution and a much better user experience.

A Consultative Approach Should Begin with a Customized Demo

Seeing a temperature monitoring solution in action is a critical step in the buying process. While there’s inherent value to having visibility into the system interface, the demo itself should be heavily focused on features and functionality that matter to your operations.

Let’s say you’re working in a laboratory with several working groups in several different locations. In a CORIS demo, it would make sense to highlight our Teams feature, which allows individuals to monitor and receive alerts for only the devices under their purview. A brief run-through of this feature could significantly improve the client’s staff productivity and minimize complexities throughout the organization.

While this is just one example of a feature to highlight, it’s a nod to a larger sentiment: building customized scripts around individual needs versus off-the-shelf systems translates into more meaningful conversations. In light of this, the initial demo session is more likely to lead to a follow-up demo session with other stakeholders, and also hit all the right notes in that conversation.

Implementation Support to Get Things Off on the Right Foot

Before a temperature monitoring system can effectively do its job, its setup needs to be in alignment with a customer’s needs. This is not only a matter of sensor installation, but also ensuring the temperature alert levels are optimized and the names assigned to the sensors reflect the customer’s naming conventions and preferences.

While offering the convenience of easy DIY installation — with support readily available as needed — CORIS makes it a point to review these kinds of variables so the system is built precisely for your needs from day one.

Just as important as the setup of the system itself is ensuring that your employees are ready to use the system. Temperature monitoring providers should aim to train users to be self-sufficient with their system — something that is easier when you’re dealing with a web-based system like CORIS that is easy to access by phone and computer and has an intuitive user experience. At the same time, providers need to be on-hand to answer any questions or demonstrate how to make adjustments.

Ongoing Support Where and When It’s Needed

Once a temperature monitoring solution is up and running, some vendors take a step back while others lean in. Providing timely responses and resolutions to issues like systems going offline, a consultative approach should also be taken from a support angle.

For example, a client may find the alerts they’ve configured for their freezers are too sensitive and causing alert fatigue among their staff. At CORIS, we’ll work with that customer to modify alert thresholds to minimize unnecessary alerts as well as revisit the tiered escalation scale to ensure an optimal alert distribution plan is in place.

Ongoing support can also come in the form of getting new temperature sensors set up. We make it easy to add more sensors (with no limit on the number of sensors), configuring everything behind-the-scenes and adding it to the temperature monitoring system while it’s in quality assurance, so they just need to be installed when they arrive.

Take Advantage of Our Consultative Approach

In a face-off between out-of-the-box and consultative temperature monitoring solutions, there is a clear winner. When a temperature monitoring provider takes a bigger interest in your needs — before, during and after a system is installed — it lends itself to a bigger return on your investment.

When you partner with CORIS, you can expect a consultative approach at every step of the process. Contact us to schedule a customized demo of our temperature monitoring system.

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